- March 2021

25.03.2021Pre-Forum Activities. The Meeting of the Russian National Sub-Committee On March 23, the meeting of Russian National Sub-Committee (RNSC) at the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme was held as part of the XXI Internationa 23.03.2021Pre-Forum Activities. The First Game of Goals International Championship On March 15-22, the first Game of Goals International Championship was held. Online teams from Lithuania, Latvia and Russia competed to be the best th 22.03.2021Pre-Forum Activities. The Session of National Urban Planners' Guild On March 18-19, the 14th Urban Planners Session “Spatial Planning and Integrated Territorial Development” was held. The session included f 12.03.2021Pre-Forum Activities. The Business Game “Game of Goals: EcoDesign Solutions” On March 12, the Gorky House of Scientists of RAS (St. Petersburg) hosted the business game Game of Goals: EcoDesign Solutions. The business game was

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