[2021-10-28] / Workshop for executive authorities of Russia’s regions "Socio-economic and territorial planning"

10/27/2021 Leontief Center hosted a Workshop for executive authorities of Russia's regions “Socio-economic and territorial planning: on the way to integration in the management of territorial development. Legislative innovations 2020 - prerequisites, expectations, realities ”.
Organizers of the event: National Urban Planners’ Guild, Leontief Centre – AV Group Consortium, Russian Economic Developers Association (ASSET).
The workshop was attended by 25 people - specialists of design and consulting organizations, representatives of the authorities of the Lipetsk region, Krasnodar region, Omsk region, the Republic of Buryatia.
In the first part of the workshop, a fruitful discussion was held on the problems of interaction and directions of integration of strategic documents of socio-economic and territorial planning.
In the second part, regional and municipal cases were presented, reflecting the existing approaches to strategic and territorial planning, the problems and tasks of optimizing the territorial development management system were identified.
Based on the results of the discussions, recommendations are being prepared for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on improving legislation that ensures the achievement of strategic goals, an increase in the quality of life and the environment, an improvement in the investment climate and the growth of entrepreneurial activity.

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