[2021-10-26] / The Forum of Strategists assessed the readiness of the regions to implement national goals

During the event "Who is closer to the goal: assessing regions in terms of their readiness to implement national goals" Alexey Krylovsky, Managing Director of the Consortium Leontief Center - AV Group and Boris Zhikharevich, Director of the Resource Center for Strategic Planning at the Leontief Center presented the leaders of the unique index of regional readiness for implementation national goals.
Experts of the Consortium Leontief Center - AV Group assessed the dynamics of indicators that will be used to assess the achievement of national goals for 4 years (2017–2020 - a period similar to the future period 2021–2024). If we assume that the rate of change in indicators will remain, it is possible to conditionally compare the regions in terms of the degree of proximity to the achievement of five national goals. The detailed methodology for compiling the rating, research results and index leaders can be found here.

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