[2021-10-22] / Be healthy! Morning with Dr. A.Yu. Shishonin

On October 26, from 8.30 am to 9.25 am, a meeting with Dr. A.Yu. Shishonin. Participation by prior registration.
Annotation of the event: "We need to deal not only with green energy and environmental protection, today it is extremely important for us to protect the internal environment. It is necessary to understand that each of us is responsible for the survival of mankind as a species, as a civilization with our health. To have bad health means to betray the whole organism.Every person should understand that his health is valuable not only for him and belongs not only to him and his relatives, who depend on him, but to the whole civilization. Healthy people are healthy and prosperous. society! The economy of health is the future of Russia. Today, as never before, the rapid growth of chronic diseases is noticeable, which can rightfully be called a pandemic of a non-infectious nature. Will our bodies continue to support the development of progress, spin the flywheel of the economy? The question is acute, and that is why I decided to discuss it together with you at the Forum of Strategists. "

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