[2021-09-28] / VII competition of municipal strategies 2021

On September 28, within the framework of the VII competition of municipal strategies (CMS -2021), an instructional seminar for the finalists was held. The main goal of the event is to give recommendations to the finalists so that they can prepare their presentations as efficiently as possible and perform brilliantly. The final of the CMS 2021 will be held on October 25 within the framework of the Forum of Strategists.
The workshop was moderated by Boris Zhikharevich, director of the Strategic Planning Resource Center at the Leontief Center. He spoke in more detail about the Forum of Strategists, presented the program of the final and highlighted the procedure of the jury's work.
During the seminar, the finalists were given recommendations on what to look for when preparing a speech, what issues to discuss in more detail, what points to highlight in the presentation. It was also noted what should not be done and what mistakes should be avoided, so that the jury would give the highest score. 
During the seminar, the finalists were given recommendations on what to pay attention to when preparing a speech, which issues to focus on in more detail, which points to highlight in the presentation. It was also noted what should be avoided and what mistakes should not be allowed so that the jury would give the highest score.
Within the framework of the seminar, a drawing of lots was held, which determined the order of the finalists' performances: representatives of the group of “large” municipalities will speak first, then “small” ones. The order of performances was distributed as follows:
"Large" municipalities:
  1. Nadymsky district. Yamalo-Nenets a.o.
  2. Severodvinsk. Arkhangelsk region.
  3. Salekhard. Yamalo-Nenets a.o.
  4. Apatites. Murmansk region.
  5. Arkhangelsk. Arkhangelsk region.
"Small" municipalities:
  1. Tiksi village. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
  2. Olenek Evenki National District. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
  3. Shoinsky Village Council. Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
  4. Usinsk. Komi Republic.
  5. Kandalaksha district. Murmansk region.
  6. Dudinka. Krasnoyarsk Territory.
At the stage of expert evaluation of the documents submitted to the competition, experts in the field of strategic planning from the All-Russian Association for the Development of Local Self-Government, the St. Petersburg Committee for Arctic Affairs, the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities and the Leontief Center prepared an individual list of recommendations for finalizing the presentations for each finalist. At the end of the workshop, summary files were sent to the finalists.

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