[2021-09-14] / Round table "On the way to «Blue growth". Prospects for the development of the blue economy, research and innovation in the Black Sea region"

On September 17, 2021, under the auspices of the International Scientific Conference "Study of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems: History and Modernity" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Sevastopol Biological Station - A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the South Seas and to the 45th anniversary of the NIS "Professor Vodyanitsky", a round table "On the way to "Blue Growth"will be held. Prospects for the development of the blue economy, research and innovation in the Black Sea region".
The main directions of the round table: prospects for the development of the marine / blue economy, the main priorities of multilateral research and innovation of the Black Sea, experience and interaction with other countries in the development and implementation of strategies for marine environmental management, research in the field of biodiversity and invasion of alien species, educational programs for Blue Growth.
To participate in the round table, you must fill out the registration form at the link
The discussion of this topic will continue at the Forum of Strategists within the framework of the round table "Opportunities and prospects for multilateral regional cooperation on the Black Sea using the potential of the maritime economy".

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